Privacy Policy

Alira Medical Devices know and understand how like any other online user you might be concerned about the data usage and how your information is extracted. We understand your concerns and therefore make sure to retrieve your information and relevant data carefully, efficiently, and protectively. This statement explains our privacy practices. You agree to the practices outlined in this Privacy Notice by visiting Alira Medical Devices.

  • What Private Details Does Alira Medical Devices Collect From Customers?

Customers’ feedback allows us to tailor and continuously enhance your purchasing experience at Alira Medical Devices. Here are some examples of the types of information we collect.

  • The information provided through customer portals/forms: Through cookies and other methods, we collect and store the relevant information submitted by our clients through the website in any way possible. You can choose not to supply specific information, but you may be unable to use many of our features as a result. The information is used to answer potential requests of the customers, personalize future purchasing and communicate effectively for orders.
  • Automated information provided through the website: When you engage with us, we receive and keep certain sorts of details. For instance, we employ “cookies,” as do numerous other websites, and we acquire particular pieces of content when your search engine enters Alira Medical Devices.
  • Information retrieved through email: If your device allows such features, we often obtain a confirmation when you open an e-mail from Alira Medical Devices to help us make e-mails more informative and entertaining. In order to minimize sending superfluous emails to our clients, we also compare our client list to lists received from other organizations. Please update your Customer Communication Options if you do not wish to receive e-mail.
  • How is information collected through cookies?

Cookies are unique identifiers that we upload to your computer’s hard disc via your Internet browser in order for our systems to recognize your browser and provide features such as storing products in your Checkout Process between visits.

Most browsers’ Help section will explain to you how to restrict your website from bringing in new cookies, how to make the browser inform you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies entirely. You can also disable or erase comparable data used by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by adjusting the add-settings on’s or visiting the manufacturer’s website. Nonetheless, because cookies enable you to enjoy some of Alira Medical Device’s vital features, we urge that you keep them enabled. For example, if you disable or otherwise decline our cookies, we will not be able to serve you.

  • Is Alira Medical Devices sharing the information it receives with anyone?

We are not in the charge of selling information about our customers. We only share customer details with affiliates of Alira Medical Devices that are either committed to this Privacy Notice or implement methods that are at least as secure as those outlined in this Privacy Statement.

Third-party affiliated website on Alira Medical’s site: We enlist the help of other companies and organizations to carry out tasks on our behalf. Accomplishing orders, making deliveries, sending postal mail and e-mail, attempting to remove repetitive data from customer lists, analyzing data, offering advisory services, providing query results and links (including paid listings and links), preparation credit card payments, and providing customer service are just a few examples. They have access to personal data that they need to execute their jobs, but they are not allowed to use it for anything else.

Business purchases at Alira: We may purchase stores, franchises, or business divisions as we continue to grow our company. Customer data is generally one of the transferred company assets in such transactions, but it is still subject to the obligations made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise). User information will, of course, be one of the conveyed assets if ever Alira Medical Devices or essentially all of its assets are bought in the unusual event that the company or substantially all of its assets are bought.

Safety of Alira and relevant affiliates: When we believe it is necessary to obey the law, implement or apply our Conditions of Use and other contracts, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Alira Medical Devices, our customers, or others, we disclose account and other private details. For fraudulent protection and financial risk reduction, this includes passing information with other firms and organizations. This certainly doesn’t include the trading, borrowing, distributing, or otherwise exposing individually identifiable information from customers for commercial reasons in contravention of this Privacy Notice’s provisions.

With customer’s permission and consent: Except as stated above, you will be notified when data about you may be shared with private entities, and you will have the option of not sharing the information.

  • What are the chances of my information being secured?

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encodes information you type, to safeguard the confidentiality of the information during delivery.

When you confirm an order, we simply show the last five digits of your credit card information. During purchase orders, we do, of course, send the complete credit card number to the authorized credit card company.

It is critical that you safeguard your password and computer from illegal access. When you’re done using a shared computer, remember to sign off.

  • Which data do I have access to?

For the specific purpose of seeing and, in some situations, modifying information about your account and your interactions with Alira Medical Devices, the company provides you with access to a wide range of information about your profile and your dealings with Alira Medical Devices. 

  • What Alternatives Will I Have?

As previously stated, you have the option of not providing information, even if it is required to make a purchase or use Alira Medical Devices features like your Account. On pages like those indicated in the “Which Information Can I Access?” subsection above, you can add or change some information. We normally preserve a copy of the previous version for our files when you maintain and update.

Please update your Customer Communication Preferences if you do not continue to accept e-mail or other mail from us. (If you choose not to receive our Terms of Use and other legal notifications, such as this Privacy Statement, such notifications will still regulate your use of Alira Medical Devices and it is your obligation to check for modifications.)

Most browsers’ Help sections will explain to you how to restrict your website from receiving new cookies, how to have the browser warn you when a new cookie is received, or how to completely disable cookies. You can also block or erase comparable data collected by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by adjusting the add-settings on’s or visiting the product’s website. However, since cookies enable you to utilize some of Alira Medical Devices’ most useful features, we urge that you keep them enabled. You will be unable to add things to your Checkout Process, continue to Payment, or use any Alira Medical Devices’ products or services that need you to Register in if you disable or otherwise decline our cookies.

Are there any products for children available at Alira Medical Devices?

No. The following products and services are only available for professionals and adults and are advised to be stored in a safer place. 

Announcements, Modifications, and Terms of Use

If you visit Alira Medical Devices, your use and any information dispute is governed by this Notice and our Conditions of Use, which include restrictions on consequences, settlement of conflicts, and the applicability of the law. If you have a privacy concern at Alira Medical Devices, please contact us with a detailed explanation of the problem, and we will do our best to remedy it.

Our company is always changing, thus our Privacy Notice and Terms of Service will change as well. Unless you have requested otherwise, we may send you occasional e-mail reminders of our notices and conditions; nonetheless, you should check our Web site periodically for updates. Unless otherwise noted, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information we have on you and your account, unless otherwise stated. We, on the other hand, stand by our promises and will never let you down. We will never substantially change our rules and practices to make them less secure of consumer information obtained in the past without the approval of impacted consumers, but we will stick by our pledges.

The type of data collected at Alira Medical Devices

  • We Use the Information You Provide:

When you browse, buy, publish (or complete a questionnaire), or connect with customer service, you contribute the majority of this information. For instance –, you offer data when you search for a product; place orders through Alira Medical Devices or one of our third-party retailers; buy the item; offer additional information in Your Profile (and you may have more than than one if you have used more than than one e-mail address when trying to shop with us); interact with us by phone, e-mail, or otherwise; and provide information in Your Profile (and you may have more than one if you have used more than one e-mail address when shopping with fill out a survey or a contest entry form; create Wish Lists; submit employer information when registering a corporate account; engage in Online Forums or other community features; write and evaluate Reviews; set a Special Event Reminder; share data with As a result of those acts, you may provide us with information such as your name, address, and phone numbers; credit card information; and the names and addresses of others to whom you have provided information.

  • Information that is generated automatically

The Internet protocol (IP) address used to communicate your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information such as internet browser, edition, and timezone setting, browser connector types and versions, operating system, and platform; purchase history, to name a few examples of the information we collect and analyze. For fraud protection and other purposes, we may use browser data such as cookies, Flash cookies (also known as Flash Local Shared Objects), or types of data on some portions of our Website. We may use software applications like JavaScript to quantify and collect information stored during some visits, such as page reaction times, download inconsistencies, length of visits to specific pages, page corresponding results (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to navigate away from the page.

  • Other Resources of Information

Updated delivery and address information from our couriers or other third parties, which we use to modify our databases and send your next purchase or message more quickly; payment details, purchase or redemption information are examples of information we obtain from other sources.

  • You Have Access to Information

Up-to-date information about recent orders; personally identifiable information (including name, e-mail, password, communication systems preferences, contact list, and 1-Click settings); billing settings (including payment information); e-mail notification settings (including Alerts, Obtainable to Order notifications, Delivers, and recommendations) are just a few examples of data you can easily access at Alira Medical Devices (including recent product view history, prior order history, and Favorites).


 (4) Code of Ethics for Alira Medical Devices 

  • Overview

Alira Medical Devices’ Board of Directors has established the following Company policy and Ethics (the “Code”) for the Company’s directors, officers, and workers. Contractors and suppliers doing business with the Firm are also expected to follow the guidelines set in this Code. These Ethics are intended to help people concentrate on ethical risk, provide guidelines to help them recognize and cope with different issues, provide procedures for reporting unethical behavior, and help promote an honest and accountable culture. The text and spirit of this Code must be followed by each member.

There is no way for a code or policy to predict every eventuality that might emerge. As a result, this Code is meant to serve as a set of guidelines. Our supplemental rules and regulations, which can be found in the Company’s Staff Handbook, Insider Trading Regulation, Related Person Transaction Policies, and Practices, Audit Committee Processes for Managing Reports of Potential Wrongdoing, Fundamentals of Governance Practices, Anti-Corruption Policy, and Global Trade Policy, as well as other rules and standards that the Company may adopt from time to time, are augmented and supplemented by this Protocol.

Directors, officials, and employees are accountable for adhering to the principles set forth in this Code, asking questions when they are unsure of the ideal approach, and reporting any misbehavior as soon as it is discovered. If an employee has any doubts regarding the propriety of a certain activity, the employee should speak out and should speak with his or her immediate supervisor or the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary about it. Directors and officials should contact the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, as well as the Audit Committee Chairman.

  • Ethics

The Corporation, as well as each of its shareholders, executives, and employees must conduct their business with unwavering honesty and integrity, regardless of where they are located. Business practices are no different from personal ethics; both are held to the same high standard. As a trustee, officer, or employee of Alira Medical Devices, you must uphold the highest ethical standards.

You should strive to treat equitably with Alira’s stakeholders and should be honest, ethical, and fair (such as customers, vendors, suppliers, business partners, service providers, competitors and employees). You should not leverage the power of anyone by manipulating, concealing, or abusing privileged information,  substantial fact misrepresentation, or any other unfair-dealing conduct. Doing what is right involves doing it correctly each and every time.

Employees should be considerate of the rights of your Alira’s coworkers and third parties. Discrimination, libel, defamation, intimidation, and bullying must not be used in your acts. Irrespective of age, ethnicity, sex, gender orientation, sexual identity, color, creed, religion, nationality, relationship status, senior’s status, disability or impairment, or any other legally protected feature, each individual must be treated respectfully and given equal chances. Harassing or aggressive behaviors can include but is not restricted to, making insulting remarks, slurs, expressions, or jokes; showcasing offensive pictures, videos, or drawings; sending or uploading offensive emails, texts, or social media interactions; engaging in inappropriate contact; pressuring a coworker to enter into a personal connection; being vocally or physically intimidating, threatening, or abusive; or stigmatizing or maligning someone based on a protected attribute.

Furthermore, at our workplace, aggression, threats of violence, and intimidation are not tolerated. Additionally, no one may work when under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Illegal drug use, ownership, and distribution are forbidden in our workplace. Except for personnel of legal drinking age who may consume small amounts of alcohol at authorized Company activities, no one is allowed to consume alcohol on company premises or at functional areas.

Ethics violations cannot be pardoned because they were ordered or encouraged by someone else. In this regard, you must notify your management (or, in the case of directors, the Legal Division) whenever you find or suspect an illegal, fraudulent, or unethical act. You will not face any consequences for disclosing your findings or suspicions.

  • Conflict of interest

When your personal or business interests conflict with – or appear to conflict with – the Company’s interests, you have a “conflict of interest.” Any individual activity, engagement, or affiliation that could conflict or appear to contradict your judgment about Alira’s best interests should be avoided. Personal and family relationships, outside corporate interests, or the receipt of personal gifts from persons doing business or attempting to do business with the Company, even when legal, may give rise to reasonable concerns about potential conflicts and favoritism.

Your position at Alira or your relationship with the company can in neither can be used for personal advantages. Even the impression of a quarrel should be avoided. As a result, you will not be the one to make a decision whether Alira will do business with a merchant, distributor, or other providers with whom you have a personal relationship. Certain examples of scenarios that potentially cause a conflict of interest (and, in some cases, violate applicable law) are set out below, subject to the conditions included in the Company’s articles of incorporation, as it may be modified and/or renewed from time to time:

  • Working for a rival company. Working for a competitor or owning a company that deals exclusively with Alira presents a conflict of interest. Please see the Company’s Employee Handbook for more information.
  • Performing other outside work for a customer, distributor, or contractor, or if it could have a negative influence on your business.
  • Establishing a family issues relationship with someone from the Company’s directly accountable. In general, relatives, associates, those in a casual relationship, or members of the same household are not permitted to work in positions that report back to each other, nor are they permitted to work in roles that directly endorse, review, or are responsible for the assessment of their family member/partner/significant other/housemate. Please see the Employee Handbook for further information.
  • Possessing a monetary interest in a client, provider, rival, business associate, vendor, or supplier (except a 1% stake in a publicly-traded company’s shares) or a family tie with somebody who works for a consumer, provider, or vendor.
  • Making transactions business with a firm in that you or a close relative has a significant financial stake on behalf of Alira. 
  • Receiving presents from persons or companies who do business with the Company in circumstances were receiving a gift would seem to be a conflict of interest or would be in violation of the Company’s Anti-Corruption Code.

A conflict of interest can also emerge in other circumstances. Follow the measures provided in the Section on “Procedures for Reporting Possible Violations” if you have any questions or concerns about any circumstance.

Despite anything in this Code to the contrary, no director’s rights under the Company’s governing documents, including with respect to corporate opportunities, or under any indemnity arrangement such director may have with the Company are limited.

  • Corporate opportunities 

You commit it to the Company to promote its interests whenever the chance comes, and you are barred from using opportunities discovered through the use of Company property, knowledge, or position for personal gain. You might not even profit personally from Company property, knowledge, or positions. Furthermore, you are not permitted to compete with the Organization. You may not reap the benefits of or disclose any actual or possible business opportunity that pertains to Alira without first gaining consent from the Legal Department or the Board of Directors, as appropriate. Despite the preceding, directors and officers’ responsibilities with respect to corporate opportunities are governed by the terms of the Company’s certificate of incorporation, as modified from time to time, and/or reaffirmed

  • Confidentiality  

Apart from when disclosure is authorized or legally obligated, you should keep the privacy of data entrusted to you by the Company or its stakeholders. All non-public data about the Firm or related parties, such as a client, partner, vendor, or provider, that you gain knowledge in the course of your work for the Company is considered private information, which would include financial records, business performance indicators, customer and correlates data, company secrets, product specifications, advancements, future scenarios, and other sensitive material that our business associates and private entities share with us is considered confidential data. When you are unsure whether or not the information is private, you should treat it as such until you receive further instructions. It’s important to remember that losing, misusing, or improperly accessing or disclosing our customers’ information not only goes against our Code and values, but it could also be against the law, resulting in serious civil or criminal fines. You may also be subject to significant confidentiality duties under a separate confidentiality clause, which is supplementary to the secrecy obligations imposed by this Code. The principles of the Company’s stockholder’s agreement, as amended and/or revised from time to time, govern the duties of directors and management with respect to secrecy.

  • Compliance with laws

The Company’s policy is to follow all relevant laws and regulations, including anti-competitive and competing laws, global trade law, insider trading, advertising, and so on, as well as all applied Company Policies, such as the Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy, International Trade Policy, and Insider Trading Policy. Following, we go over some of these policies in greater depth. It is your individual responsibility to follow the guidelines and limitations placed by those laws, rules, regulations, and Organizational Policies honestly and in good faith. Even though no worker or member is required to be familiar with all of these laws, rules, and regulations in detail, it is critical that you have a general awareness of the laws, rules, and regulations that apply to your roles and responsibilities at the Company. If you have any queries about specific relevant laws or what you should do, you should contact the Case Manager. 

  • Preventing Bribery and Corruption

In order to attain a corporate goal, we shouldn’t ever jeopardize our honesty or credibility. You must never accept or give any type of bribe as part of our commitment to acting truthfully, ethically, and lawfully. Furthermore, you must never solicit or enable someone else to bribe us on our account. Bribes are not only prohibited from our Ethics and our requirements for corporate ethics, but they are also illegal and can result in serious criminal sanctions. You must avoid instances in which an item of value you provide or accept appears to have an impact on a business decision. Corruption issues can be complicated, so if you have any queries or need to notify a concern, please contact the Legal Department. For additional information, please see the Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy.

  • Insider Trading 

Using “material non-public information” to acquire or sell shares is unlawful. “Material information” is defined as information that a reasonable investor would deem significant in making a decision to buy, retain, or sell stocks. Data that is not widely known or accessible to the public is referred to as “non-public information.” Insider trading is a violation that carries civil and criminal consequences, as well as the possibility of prison time. Insider trading breaches by workers and other intermediaries may result in civil fines for companies. Insider trading or claims of unlawful trading of securities by our employees or executives, in addition to being illegal, can result in unfavorable publicity for Alira and considerable damage to our image and business.

You might discover significant non-public information about our Company, one of our commercial partners, or other intermediaries while operating for Alira.  Whenever workers and executives (as well as their relatives and controlled businesses) are aware of critical non-public data about a firm, they are not permitted to trade in its stocks. This “insider trading” policy is applicable to trading in the shares of the Company as well as buying and selling in the securities of other firms, such as the Company’s clients, vendors, business associates, wholesalers, distributors, and businesses with which the Company may be contemplating a major acquisition. Furthermore, staff members and directors (as well as their close relatives and controlled entities) are prohibited from disclosing material non-public knowledge regarding the Company or some other company to others, or recommending that others buy or sell a company’s stock while they are informed of material non-public information about that company. Even if the worker does not receive money or deduce any benefit from deals made by persons to whom the employee managed to pass material non-public information, this practice, known as “tipping,” infringes regulatory requirements and can outcome in the same criminal and civil penalties as directly engaging in insider trading.

For further information, please see the Company’s Insider Trading Policy.

  • Keeping Books and Records, as well as Public Reporting

Under US federal securities laws and generally accepted accounting principles, the Company is expected to keep accurate books, records, and accounts in order to maintain an acceptable system of internal accounting and controls. In addition, in reports and materials filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Company is expected to provide complete, fair, accurate, timely, and intelligible information. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), as well as in any other public communications. All employees are expected to ensure that the portions of the Company’s books, records, and accounts that they are responsible for are valid, complete, accurate, and backed up by adequate documentation in verifiable form. Similarly, the Company expects its employees to ensure that all reports and materials filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as well as all other public communications for which they are responsible are complete, fair, accurate, timely, and correct.

The Firm’s documents must be kept for the time periods specified in the Company’s document retention rules, as amended from time to time. Only once the relevant term has expired may the record be destroyed. Regardless of the time periods indicated in the applicable policy, documents involved in existing or threatening litigation, government inquiries, or under subpoena or other information requests may not be deleted or destroyed. Furthermore, no one shall ever destroy, modify, or conceal any record or otherwise obstruct any official procedure for an illegitimate purpose, whether directly, in cooperation with, or by seeking to persuade another person.

  • Information and assets of the company, customers, vendors, suppliers, and business partners are all protected.

Nobody can ever utilize or expose sensitive or proprietary information of Alira, its clients, suppliers, distributors, or company associates for self-benefit. To avoid unauthorized access to such information, all workers must take appropriate actions, such as protecting papers, limiting access to computers and electronic media, and using suitable disposal techniques. 

Employees are also committed to safeguarding the Business profits and ensuring that they are used efficiently and for lawful reasons only, including our privileged data and the proprietary information of any private entity with which the Company has contractual duties. You must keep these assets safe from theft and misuse, especially cash, company data, machinery, and retail products. The Company enables its workers to make insignificant, non-business use of its facilities (such as using Work phones to receive or make minimal personal phone calls) as long as they follow all relevant Workplace Rules and comply with statutory obligations. When using these materials, you must exercise sound judgment and conduct yourself professionally. Any use of Company technology is not private, and Alira may access and examine any information you provide, receive, or keep for any business reason. To be clear, nothing in this Section 10 expands the extent of any fiduciary duties due by directors under the law.

  • Political Contributions and External Communications

The Firm attempts to communicate in an upfront, truthful, and reasonable way. Only authorized people are allowed to communicate with or respond to questions from the mainstream press, stockholders, the investment community (such as securities analysts and investment advisors), and government agencies in order to determine the integrity and applicability of all publicly disclosed information. If you are not specifically authorized, you must state clearly that you do not advocate or represent the Company anytime you communicate in discussion meetings, whether online or otherwise. If you are approached by a professional journalist, a shareholder, or a member of the financial community and you are not specifically allowed to do so, you should refuse to respond and start sending all questions to the Firm’s SVP of Financial or Head of Investor Relations. For further information, please see the Firm’s Public Disclosure and Interactions with the Financial Community Guidelines. The Chief Legal Officer must be contacted if a government entity has a question. You are also free to participate in the political process and participate in activities that benefit our communities. But, you shouldn’t ever imply that Alira supports any political movement or person if you do so. Irrespective of whether the contributions are allowed by the laws of the state or country in which they are made, no Alira funds or goods are payable or provided to any political party, a contender for, or incumbent in, any elected service. 

  • Reporting Procedures for Potential Violations

Everyone will be responsible for adhering to the standards set forth in this Code, raising concerns if you are unsure of the right course of action, and reporting any potential misbehavior as soon as it comes to your knowledge. It is part of our culture to stand out about employment concerns in order to assist develop a healthy, ethical, and compliant firm. To foster that culture, the Corporation encourages workers to speak out and express their concerns and questions about any circumstance that may be in violation of the law, our Code, our fundamental values, or our policies. Reports of probable violations of federal securities laws, breaches of this Code or Company policy, or other improper, unlawful, fraudulent, unethical, or retaliatory conduct or activities will be taken seriously by the Company. The Company understands the need of keeping the name of the reporting person discreet as much as possible, in accordance with the law and the requirement for a thorough inquiry.

Problems about past, current, or prospect improper, illegal, dishonest, unethical, or hostile conduct or activities (including questionable accounting, internal controls, and auditing matters) should be reported immediately to your supervisor, if applicable, or, if you are reluctant to speak with your manager (for whatever reason), to any Business owner, Human Resources, the Legal Department, or, in the case of directors, to the Chairman of the Internal Auditors, so that suitable action can be taken. You can also contact us anonymously by calling visiting the website or emailing at A third party answers the hotline, which is confidential and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Complaints of accounting or auditing irregularities, as well as securities law infractions, shall be investigated according to the Audit Committee Procedures for Handling Reports of Potential Misconduct.

Nowhere in this Code, nor any contract you sign, prevents you from knowingly and willingly interacting with, reporting concerns to, submitting a fee or objection with, making lawful disclosures to, providing documents or other information to, or engaging in an investigation or listening conducted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, National Labor Relations Board, SEC, or any other national, province, or municipal agency charged with the regulation of any lax labor law.

  • There will be no retaliation

Any type of retribution, including negative or adverse job repercussions, as well as any form of harassment, is absolutely prohibited by the Company against anybody who has made a good faith report to the Company or who cooperates in a Company inquiry. Any individual who fights back against anybody who has filed a complaint or participated in a Company investigation, or discourages anyone from filing a report, will be grounds for disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. Any person that believes he or she has been subjected to retaliatory action or reprisal as a result of reporting a concern or filing a complaint should report such prompt action through any of the reporting channels characterised herein so that the document can be probed and suitable follow-up action being taken.

  • Enforcing the law

To address any violation or infringement of this Code, the Firm may take any action it considers necessary, involving, but not restricted to, firing a worker, requesting the resignation of a director, and/or suggesting that a director not be considered for re-election to the Management board.

  • Exceptions to the rule

Exceptions of this Code are reviewed on an individual basis and are prohibited. Waivers for directors and managers require the Executive board’s approval, and waivers affecting any other worker require the Legal District’s written consent. Any waiver given to a director or executive officer must be granted only under exceptional circumstances and must be declared in accordance with SEC and applicable listing exchange standards.

  •  No Contract of Employment

This agreement is not an employment contract between the Employer and any of its workers, and it makes no changes to the Company’s current at-will employment relationship with any of them.